Κυριακή, Δεκεμβρίου 29, 2013

Al Jazzera: Σερβία και Κροατία σε λίγο θα γίνουν αποικίες του Ισλάμ!

Air Serbia operational after Etihad buying shares [AFP / Getty]
By: Mirnes Kovac 

For a long time Africa boasted the “bulwark of Christianity” that she was, in the Middle Ages, gave Pope Leo X (Latin Antemurale Christianitatis). A similar rhetoric in the 1990s to justify the wars in the Balkans, Slobodan Milosevic used. Often pointed out that Serbia was and still bumper Christianity and Europe from the invasion of Islam. Today, however, throughout the region, even in these two countries, noticeable different movements.

Croatia is already a member of the European Union, Serbia is on a good way, and according to the announcement by Ivica Dacic, “it will become faster than anyone.” In addition, according to the mood that is felt in the media of these countries, it seems that these two countries, the European way, I’d be willing to European gates Arab investors . They are ready to provide all possible conditions and maximum hospitality to rich sheikhs from the Gulf countries to invest their money right in their transition economies.

And that, of course, there is nothing wrong. Except maybe as you muslimanci Arabs, but it is now irrelevant. Of course, it would be much to say about the attitude towards The local Muslim community. In Croatia, the situation is much better than in Serbia. In this I was able to convince recently when I was on St. Nicholas for the first time since joining the EU visited the Croatian city of Zagreb table. 

Islam as a brand

According to the established custom, the coffee I reviewed the daily press and pleasantly surprised, “Well, in our beautiful Croatia Islam is a brand!” – I exclaimed to myself. With this statement mojojm agreed and responsible for Islam in Croatia, Mufti dr. Aziz Hasanovic. He is the attitude towards the Islamic Community of Croatia handed praise.

Already a longer period Mufti Hasanovic relationship Croatia to Islam promoted as an example of the European Union, moreover, yet it offers as a model not only for the European Union, but also a majority Muslim societies in the Middle East that such a relationship should be built according to Christian and other minorities .

Whereas, the situation in Serbia is not even close to that in Croatia. In Serbia has been the scene of open interference in the internal affairs of the regime of the Islamic community. Hasanovićev counterpart, the Mufti Zukorlić, has warned for years in this unacceptable and untenable relationship. And with that he has more pressure, not to use the term burning, persecution.

Newspaper reports list the Morning left me speechless. Two full pages tirage Croatian daily at prime locations make an exclusive on how the Africa of LNG (liquefied natural gas) per year to earn two billion kunas (267 million Euros).

What corroborates my thesis on “Islam as a brand,” Croatia is the main illustration. With a profile Qatari businessmen and Sheikh, centrally dominated by images of their visit in the company of the leading people of the Islamic community recently opened a mosque in Rijeka. Great!
Countries that are within the framework of the EU or are on their way to the EU, they are far more interesting, not expensive, and its natural beauty and resources are an excellent place, and the position of wonderfully positioned to perform and a gateway to the EU market. In addition to the positive business climate in Croatia and Serbia are additional things that appeal.
Katarani are interested in thermal power plants, oil exploration in the Adriatic, and much more. Of course, economic indicators in these transition countries are not great, but the hope is still there, the Arabs will come from Qatar, and the UAE. Croatian portals are then published the news that the largest Slavonian Emiraćani visited a slaughterhouse and have expressed interest in the quality and fresh meat from this country. In this case, the main requirement is halal certificate – proof that the food in accordance with Islamic norms and regulations.

Almost identical stories in Serbia. In Belgrade, the first Emiraćani and Katarani after them. Has long been known that the story of the successful Emirati companies work Serbian thousands of highly skilled workers, a recent visit emiratskog Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan Serbia and prospects of cooperation are further expanded.

You could see it on his face radiant Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister who is the Prince Nahyan, all the time smiling sweetly. Air Serbia is already in operation in the face of Etihad is buying shares arose from a failed JAT.

There is Qatar Airways, which already has regular flights as from Belgrade. And the information speak about more Qatari investment promotion and exchange of visits of business delegations. 

The road to the EU market

All in all, the neighbors going well and that should be wholeheartedly welcomed. However, there is one question that can rightly be set in the Bosnian perspective. While in neighboring countries, despite some problems mentioned, islam brand in Bosnia Islam is more stigma and problem?

From Bosnia and Herzegovina in recent days has no positive economic story. Of course, with those political tapeworm, it’s the little hope which rests on Arab investments disappeared. All pouring out of some kind of “terrorism”! New laws are passed, the media scene is full of articles about the threats, politicians publicly announce legislation to prevent the “frenzy of the Arabs” … In Bosnia they are “fake tourists – hunters recruits for wars in the Middle East,” a potential investors, leading to the Bosnian media, some of which are suspected colonizers Gulf monarchies want to solve and so on.
So everywhere in the environment, the Arabs welcome, but their arrival in Bosnia problem!

Of course, the story has a reasonable explanation. It is quite known that Arabs from rich countries have interests that, in addition to their resources, they also have a “reserve” for God forbid, because of the uncertain geopolitical area of ​​the Middle East things more complicated. Balkan is not exactly great and safe destination, but it is safer than Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Morocco, and other countries that were once investment destination rich Gulf Sheik’s.
Bosnia seems to have become the only destination in the region that the Arabs will increasingly bypass. In Bosnia, it seems largely a matter of mentality of scarcity.
In addition, countries that are within the framework of the EU or are on their way to the EU, they are far more interesting, not expensive, and its natural beauty and resources are an excellent place, and the position of wonderfully positioned to perform and a gateway to the EU market. In addition to the positive business climate in Croatia and Serbia are additional things that appeal.

But in Bosnia and its economic greyness, the stalled European course, there are also various brokers. Those who fish in troubled waters, such of them Arabs, not the state, and are welcomed into troubled waters. And it is not at all good for ratings. Especially when the latter measure and some racist statements by politicians, and fraudulent practices about buying and partners to come up with some potential future investors. 

The mentality of scarcity

Of course, one should welcome all efforts by politicians to regulate this area. But, like everything in the post-Dayton political shoving, these issues seem to be turning into a casual clashes with political rivals in the performance of the election year, the media highly polluted area in Bosnia. Bosnia seems to have become the only destination in the region that the Arabs will increasingly bypass. In Bosnia, it seems largely a matter of mentality of scarcity.

And to all who need it? With all its internal problems, in addition, take care and all the more obvious signs that the neighboring countries facing Europe and the gates open to the Arabs, it looks ready to have some problems and possible interference relocated and deposited on the hot Bosnian ground – as in Bosnia’s problems and best safest! There will not mind, and the local nationalists will always be at your fingertips.

Therefore, we as Bosnians and Bosniaks can not clear some emerging inconsistencies. For us in Bosnia can not understand how our neighbors from the outer wall and the bumper Christianity suddenly became as European gates Arabs, LNG, halal certification, Etihad, Emirates and other desirable Arab names, and Bosnia still remained a land of Wahabi džihadlija, terrorists, Sandokan…

So full of heart and soul to congratulate neighbors, but with these cards and one entreaties: Please note that Neighbourhood little understanding! Because if you are a muslimanci and Arabs, their characters and logos Al-Thani and Al-Nahyan, Etihad, Emirates and Qatar Oil and everything else that sounds tempting, welcome for their money, there are some! Hair it! Just a little to us in Bosnia discount! Do not drop that to us, and that their “bulwark” and “bumpers” had transferred to the reverse, that is there in our saved until you again, God forbid do not need me! 

The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy.
Source: Al Jazeera

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